Policies and procedures

How we work

YWCA Canberra children’s services philosophy

At YWCA Canberra, our mission is ‘We strengthen communities by supporting girls and women through our services and advocacy’ and our vision is ‘Girls and women thriving’.

We provide essential, quality services for women, girls and families in the ACT and surrounding regions. We work in the areas of children’s services, community development, homelessness and affordable housing, domestic and family violence, youth services, personal and professional training, women’s leadership and advocacy.

You can read the YWCA Canberra Client Service Charter for more information on our commitment to providing excellence in customer service.

At YWCA Canberra, we understand that the experience of childhood is a unique journey. Every part of the journey is important to us.

Our role is to give children a sound foundation for their future learning and development by providing them with the skills and experiences needed to develop as lifelong learners and become competent, active and informed individuals.

We achieve this by developing and creating rich, engaging play-based learning environments and activities that reflect children’s interests and allow for exploration.

We enable a sense of belonging in the children and families in our services through our safe, supportive, respectful and inclusive environment.

We excel at providing high-quality education and care to children because we are a child-focused organisation that is influenced by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Early Childhood Code of Ethics, the National Quality Framework and Standards, the National Early Years Learning Framework, and the My Time Our Place Framework for school age care.

Our program managers and educators participate in a wide variety of professional development and training to further extend their skills and knowledge.

Our frameworks

Our environments support and encourage each child’s individual development in line with the National Quality Framework and StandardsNational Early Years Learning Framework, and the My Time Our Place Framework, and are inspired by leading international examples of innovative, flexible early childhood practices.

Quality assurance

We follow the Early Years Learning Framework and implement a set of standards and regulations governed by the Children’s Education and Care Assurance in Canberra. In NSW, we also follow the standards and regulations governed by the NSW Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate.

All our services have systems and processes in place to ensure compliance with all regulatory and legal frameworks. Our Directors are supported by a team consisting of an Operations Manager, Quality and Compliance Coordinator and a Quality Support Officer, who assist with all aspects of service delivery. This team conducts regular self-assessments against the National Quality Standards to ensure all services continuously improve and maintain the highest quality.

Our educators are mentored and provided with regular professional development opportunities to ensure they are up to date with current best practices and knowledge regarding the sector.

Family participation in the quality assurance process is essential. We encourage and appreciate your involvement and feedback.

Educator-to-child ratios

Current educator ratios, as required under national law and regulations, are:

  • Early childhood education:
    • zero to two years: one educator to four children
    • two to three years: one educator to five children
    • three years and over: one educator to 11 children (NSW one educator to ten children)
  • School age care: one educator to 11 children.

YWCA Canberra’s policies comply with ACT Children’s Services Standards and the National Quality Standards and are reviewed regularly.

A comprehensive policy and procedure folder is available at individual programs for viewing.

If your child has allergies, intolerances, dietary requirements, or medical conditions, you will need to provide your child’s action plan(s) before we can confirm enrolment. All educators will follow the action plan.

If your child has a medical condition, you must read the Medical Conditions Policy located at the service at the beginning of your child attending the service.

Programs and interactions

Educational Leaders, Centre Directors, Program Managers and Educators working within YWCA Canberra services pride themselves on the experiences and activities they provide for the children in their care.

Knowing that each child and each service is different, our trained staff plan every child’s education using a specified curriculum, grounded in current theories and practices. Programmed activities and experiences are designed with the children’s input and cater to their individual needs. All of our activities meet the requirements of the National Quality Framework, while embedding the National Early Years Learning Framework and the My Time Our Place Framework in programming and evaluations.

Educational Leaders, Program Managers, Centre Directors and Educators draw inspiration for activities from their own skills and experiences, as well as the children’s ideas and initiatives. Educators are flexible wherever possible in their approach to programming, ensuring they foster children’s learning and fun through spontaneous play-based learning.

We look forward to providing your family with the highest quality, innovative and personalised education and care experience.

Confidentiality and privacy

Our services protect the privacy and confidentiality of our children, families and educators through policies and procedures. Written information is kept secure and is only accessed as required by those who are authorised to view it. Families can request to meet with the Centre Director/Program Manager to discuss confidential issues.

You can read the YWCA Canberra privacy policy for more information.

Arrival and departure

Please be aware that the service does not take responsibility for children until they are signed in at the service. It is a legal requirement that children are signed in and out by a family member or an authorised guardian when delivering or collecting children from the service.

Early childhood services

Each early childhood service will open and close at times depending on the needs of the families that use the service. These are determined by YWCA Canberra and included on this website, and must be adhered to.

Please be aware of your program’s closing times. For the safety of children, only those persons nominated on the enrolment form will be authorised to collect your child/ren. No child is permitted to leave the service other than by usual arrangements unless the program receives written authorisation from a parent/guardian.

In the case of an emergency, a parent/guardian must contact the program and provide details of the changes to arrangements. Authorised people must provide photo identification if they are unknown to the educators, to ensure children’s safety.

A late fee of $30 per child for every 15 minutes will be charged for children picked up after the service closing time.

Late fees will be added to the next fortnight’s account. The late fee is strictly adhered to, as staff are required to remain at the program until all children are collected. Families who are continually late may be excluded.

School age care

Children attending before school care must be signed in by a parent/guardian on arrival, and will be signed out by an educator at 9am. Children attending after school care will be signed in by an educator on arrival at the service and signed out by the parent/guardian on departure.

For the safety of children, only those persons nominated on the enrolment form will be authorised to collect your child/ren. Children leaving the service on their own must sign themselves out; this must be authorised by a parent/guardian. No child is permitted to leave the service other than by usual arrangements unless the program receives written authorisation from a parent/guardian.

In the case of an emergency, a parent/guardian must contact the program and provide details of the changes to arrangements. Authorised people must provide photo identification if they are unknown to the educators, to ensure children’s safety.

Please be aware of your program’s closing times.

A late fee of $20 per child for every 15 minutes will be charged for children picked up after the service closing time.

Late fees will be added to the next fortnight’s account. The late fee is strictly adhered to, as two educators are required to remain at the program until all children are collected. Families who are continually late may be excluded.

Enrolments and bookings


License standards set out by the Children’s Education and Care Assurance require all families to re-enrol their children at the beginning of each school year. Each service must hold a completed annual enrolment form for every child in attendance.

When enrolling your child, please read all information, complete the enrolment form and return it to our Childcare Accounts team.

An enrolment bond applies:

  • Early childhood services: The bond is equivalent to one week of full fees for the days of attendance. Bonds will be charged on the first statement and credited towards the final account when a child ceases attending the service.
  • School age care routine booking: The bond is $100 per child. Bonds will be charged on the first statement and credited towards the final account when a child ceases attending the service.

It is essential that the service has up-to-date information about your child, especially contact numbers for parents/guardians and emergency contacts. Please provide any changes to information to your child/ren’s service and ensure educators are aware of any details regarding your child/ren that may impact their involvement at the program.

Enrolment and re-enrolment for early childhood care

Families can submit an enrolment form for early childhood services at any time throughout the year, with booking requests processed subject to availability. Families will need to complete a new enrolment form at the end of each year for bookings to continue into the following year


Routine bookings for early childhood services

Permanent bookings can be made for one to five days a week. Permanent single day bookings are subject to approval on application to the Centre Director.

Routine bookings for school age care

Routine bookings can be made on a weekly or fortnightly schedule for one to five days a week. Routine booking requests can be processed up to two weeks in advance of the requested commencement date.

Changes to, or cancellation of, bookings

We require two weeks’ written notice via email to cancel a routine booking or decrease days.

You can increase or change days of care at any time, if places are available.

We cannot suspend or swap days or hold places.

Casual care

Casual bookings can be made up to two weeks in advance, subject to availability. Book by emailing childcareaccounts@ywca-canberra.org.au


YWCA Canberra is a not-for-profit organisation and relies on fees to meet expenses. Fees are set at the lowest level possible to provide high-quality care for your child/ren.

You will be charged for all days you have booked your child into early childhood services.

Our early childhood services are closed during the Christmas shutdown (except for Currawong Early Childhood Services) and on public holidays. However, fees are still charged during this time.

School age care fees apply for all booked days during school term, including public holidays.

Fees are charged fortnightly. Statements are issued via email and payment is to be made by the due date.

Our comprehensive fee schedule is available to read in our terms and conditions, included on the enrolment form for each service.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our fees or your account, please contact our friendly team on 02 6185 2040 or email childcareaccounts@ywca-canberra.org.au


Paying your fees

Fee payments are not accepted at services.

Payment is via Direct Debit or Credit Card through Debitsuccess or BPAY. Credit card payments will incur a 1.87 per cent surcharge.

Non-attendance and absences

Early childhood services

Fees are charged for all routine days your child is booked into care.

There are no refunds or credits for non-attendance for routine bookings if they fall on your child’s booked days, due to the need for operational staffing costs to be met. If your child will be absent, please advise the Centre Director or our Childcare Accounts team.

Our comprehensive fee schedule is available to read in our terms and conditions, included on the enrolment form for each service.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our fees or your account, please contact our friendly team on 02 6185 2040 or email childcareaccounts@ywca-canberra.org.au.

School age care

Fees are charged during school time, including public holidays. School holiday care is booked separately.

There are no refunds or credits for public holidays or non-attendance at the program for routine bookings, due to the need for operational staffing costs to be met. If your child will be absent, please advise our Childcare Accounts team.

Our comprehensive fee schedule is available to read in our terms and conditions, included on the enrolment form for each service.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss our fees or your account, please contact our friendly team on 02 6185 2040 or email childcareaccounts@ywca-canberra.org.au.

Fee recovery

Fees charged for care must be paid by the due date. If you fail to pay by the due date, we will start fee recovery action.

Access to the service may be cancelled if payment remains outstanding. This means that your child/ren will be excluded from the service.

Should any debt be referred to a debt collection agency, any applicable debt collection fees or charges will be added the account as a cost recovery for the debt.

If you are experiencing hardship and financial difficulty and unable to pay your account by the due date, please contact our Childcare Accounts team to arrange a payment plan.

Child Care Subsidy

We are a Government-approved child care service, which means families may be eligible for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) to provide financial assistance towards the cost of your fees.

To access Child Care Subsidy, you will need to complete a Child Care Subsidy assessment with Centrelink.

Your subsidy will be calculated on your combined family income, your activity level and the fees charged by the service. Children’s attendance/usage is submitted to the Department of Education, Skills and Employment weekly for payment and distribution of family’s entitlements.

Note: Child Care Subsidy cannot be administered without a Customer Reference Number (CRN) for both the registered parent/guardian and the attending child/ren, a successful Child Care Subsidy Enrolment submitted to Centrelink and the registered/parent guardian confirming the enrolment via their myGov account.

There are limits to the number of days you can receive Child Care Subsidy if your child is absent from a booked day.

Statements are emailed fortnightly. The billing cycle includes charges for the current fortnight. 

If you end your child’s enrolment, you will only receive Child Care Subsidy up until your child’s last physical attendance. You will need to pay full fees for any absence days after the last day your child physically attends the service.



Our children’s services receive regular advice on responding to the COVID-19 outbreak from the Australian Department of Health via the ACT regulator, Children’s Education and Care Assurance (CECA) and NSW regulator, Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate (ECECD).

We always encourage regular handwashing by our staff and our children, on arrival to the service, before and after meals and after using the toilet. We are regularly reiterating this training throughout our services during the COVID-19 pandemic and are maintaining strict hygiene practices throughout the day. This includes regularly sanitising toys, furniture and high touch areas such as door handles.

All of our early childhood services are cleaned five nights a week by professional cleaners.

If your child develops any symptoms such as a fever, cough, sore throat or shortness of breath, please do not bring your child into our services until they are well again.

If the advice or information changes, we will adapt our practices accordingly.

Immunisation, infectious disease and exclusion policy

We encourage families to immunise their children according to the National Immunisation Schedule. Families must provide a  record of immunisation history for their child/ren on enrolment.

If your child shows any infectious disease symptoms, they will be excluded from the service in line with National Health and Medical Research Council’s Infectious Disease Exclusion Table.

If your child has not been medically vaccinated, they will be excluded from care during an outbreak of some infectious diseases (such as measles and pertussis), even if they are well, as per the Staying Healthy in Childcare Guidelines. Routine fees will still apply to your account during the period your child is excluded from care.


We are required under national regulations to refuse admission to any child suffering from an infectious disease, illness, or condition that may compromise other children’s health. If a child becomes unwell at the service, we will notify their family immediately to collect them.

Symptoms such as vomiting, high temperature and diarrhoea are considered serious. We will advise families to keep their child at home for a minimum 24-hour period and until the symptoms are no longer evident.


If your child requires a prescribed or homeopathic medication, they must remain at home for the first twenty-four hours of treatment. If any medication is to be administered at the service, please complete the medication form available at the service. Please note that medication
can only be administered as per the instructions on the label. Medication will not be administered if the requested dosage is higher than recommended on the label, the medication is not in the original container, or the child’s name is not on the label.


Early childhood services

Educators will only administer paracetamol to children if the child has a fever of 38 degrees or above and if permission is provided by the parent/guardian in writing. Parents must pick up their child within one hour of paracetamol being administered.


If your child has an allergy or anaphylaxis, you must provide a Medical Action Plan with your enrolment. In line with the Education and Care Services National Regulations, the service will work in collaboration with you to develop a Risk Minimisation Plan (RMP) and a Medical Communication Plan (MCP) for your child.

We will use these plans to reduce or eliminate risks when integrating your child into the service. We will record all communication regarding your child’s medical issues in the Medical Communication Plan.

Caring for your child


If your child has an accident or sustains an injury while at a service, we will complete an Incident, Injury and Trauma record. In the case of a serious accident or injury, we will contact a parent/guardian and emergency services immediately. If required, you will be asked to sign that you have read the Incident, Injury and Trauma record when collecting your child.

Care and protection

All YWCA Canberra Centre Directors, Program Managers and Educators are trained in, and regularly receive refresher training on, child protection matters and mandatory reporting laws. This is critically important to us.

As a condition of employment, all educators must hold a current Working with Vulnerable Persons Card or NSW Working with Children Check.

If you have any concerns about your child, please speak with the Centre Director or Program Manager.

Working with children who have additional needs

Inclusion for all children is fundamental to YWCA Canberra. Centre Directors, Program Managers and educators within our services work with children with additional needs and their families daily. We are committed to supporting and ensuring positive outcomes and experiences for all children in care.

Where children attending the service require additional support, the Centre Director or Program Manager will develop a Strategic Inclusion Plan (SIP) with the YWCA Canberra Inclusion Officer and an Include Me supporting inclusion professional. The Program Manager maintains open, regular, and effective communication with their families, so the service can ensure children have their needs met.

Behaviour management

YWCA Canberra has an obligation to educators, children and visitors attending services to ensure that the environment is responsive to the needs of all children. All children, educators and visitors have a right to a safe and secure environment while attending the service.

Families will be approached regarding issues of unacceptable and inappropriate behaviour.

We will discuss any issues of unacceptable or inappropriate behaviour with a child’s family.

School age care

The service may exclude a child from care if they have caused:

  • physical and/or emotional harm to another child, educator or visitor
  • damage to property, equipment and/or resources of the school or service
  • significant disruption to the conduct of the service, including continual use of bad language and defiance.

Emergency procedures

Emergency procedures, including evacuation and lockdown procedures, are posted in each room and exit door within the service. Please familiarise yourself with these procedures. Emergency evacuation and lockdown drills are practiced at least once a term in school age care and more often in early childhood education services. 

Family communication

Meetings are held on a regular basis and decisions about the service philosophy, policies and practices will be made in consultation with educators, children and families.

We encourage and appreciate feedback and input from families. Please contact the service’s Centre Director, Program Manager or educators regarding any suggestions you have.

We also invite families to share any skills and areas of interest with the Centre Director/Program Manager at your child’s service.

Except when COVID-19 restrictions prohibit it, families are welcome at the program at all times and are encouraged to share time with their child whilst at the service.

Grievances and complaints

We encourage families to communicate any concerns regarding the care of their children to educators. We will follow up and act upon concerns in line with YWCA Canberra’s policies and procedures. We aim for a consultative process and a positive resolution for all involved.

For all complaints or concerns not relating to fees:

  • For early childhood services: please speak to or email the Director of your child’s service. If you feel your complaint has still not been resolved, please contact the Operations Manager whose contact details are displayed at the service.
  • For school age care: please speak to the Program Manager of your service. If you feel your complaint has not been resolved, please contact the Operations Manager whose contact details are displayed at the service.

You can also fill out our feedback form.

The ACT regulator, Children’s Education and Care Assurance (CECA), can be contacted on 02 6207 1114.

The NSW regulator, Early Childhood Education and Care Directorate (ECECD), can be contacted on ececd@det.nsw.edu.au or 1800 619 113.

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